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Bill Cosby & Face Lotion Reviews

The LT and I recently got all dolled up, went downtown, and caught a night of extreme hilarity with Bill Cosby at the Chicago Theater…but we didn’t get any pictures of ourselves in our finery!  Shoot!

And let me just say that Bill Cosby was a-MAZE-ing!  He came out onstage wearing a gray hoodie with the phrase “HELLO FRIEND” embroidered across the chest and crocs on his tootsies.  It almost seemed as if he was just shuffling over to your house to spend an evening with us, his friends.

The Cos’s stories and jokes were so clever.  I didn’t know exactly what to expect since I’ve always heard that his humor is not just Cliff Huxtable.  But the 2.5 hour-long show was full of mostly tasteful comedy.  I think the most scandalous word used was “brassiere.”

Everything was so fresh and fun–if Bill Cosby hasn’t sold out in your area, his show was worth every penny…and the tix weren’t even that expensive at $55 for floor seats!

Click here for a list of upcoming Bill Cosby events!

I also got a package this week from Carol Alt’s company Raw Essentials.  I have used her All Day Revitalizing Face Moisturizer for about 2 years.  Only recently, when I was working at Cousin’s and then transitioned over going to school full-time, I stopped using it…because of the price tag: $25 per bottle.

Now I know that’s not a lot for some people, but for a student it’s a fortune.  I mean, I could get some Olay for $5.99 at Target.  And that’s just what I had done.  Only problem is, I was breaking out like nobody’s business.  After 3-4 months off my Raw Essentials, the LT was tired of listening to my belly-aching.

“Just order it, babe.  Here, use my credit card.”

I recently read somewhere that raw cosmetics were not entirely “raw” because they have to have some preservatives in order not to spoil.  That does make sense to me.

However, researching a bit on the site, I discovered that Raw Essentials is certified raw.  This means:

-Never heat active ingredients above 115 degrees;
-Only use ingredients that are found in nature or derived from ingredients that are found in nature;
-No synthetic chemicals such as parabens, pesticides, antibiotics, food additives or petro chemicals;
-Keep detailed written production records (audit trail);
-Conduct periodic on-site inspections.

Plus, true to their word Raw Essentials uses ingredients that are natural, words I can read and pronounce.

(It’s hard to read since I’ve only got an iPhone snap!)

The best news is that my skin is clearing up PRONTO!


I am always looking for new lotions and make up.  And I know some people even make their own beauty products!  That seems daunting to me, but I would love to try if someone could recommend a masque or hydrating wash!

Do any of my readers have any beauty product recipes?

Check Out My Trendy New Nails!

I’ve had this color for about 9 months and I finally got up enough gumption to use it! Don’t you just feel prettier once you’ve got your nails done? I know I do. I feel more put together.

In fact, I feel like I “can’t” do too much work (i.e. washing dishes, doing laundry, etc.) if I’ve just done my nails. So the poor LT was stuck doing all of the chores tonight except loading the dishwasher. What a trooper!

Do you have someone in your life who helps you “get your nails done” and will just take over the chores for a night to let you pamper yourself?